Thursday, November 20, 2008

Don't Stop Praying...

Staples are gone!!

Yesterday Sam went to Phoenix for his recheck and to have his staples out. Because he is still having a lot of headaches they put in an order for another scan--we don't know when that will be yet.

But this morning, both Jake and Sam had appointments for physicals. Jake had not been feeling well yesterday; he was running a bit of a fever so I assumed he just had a bug. However, when the doctor examined him she found that his uvula (the hanging thing in the back of his throat) was shifted to one side. This is a sign of a problem with the cranial nerve. We were sent to the hospital for a stat CT which showed he does have a significant new bleed. Our doctor felt we should go by ambulance to Phoenix, but after talking to the neurosurgeon in Phoenix, they concluded that Jake was stable enough to wait until his next office hours which are Tuesday. At that time he will decide if this lesion must be removed. Of course, if anything changes with his symptoms he said to drive straight to the Phoenix Children's ER. So please keep us in your prayers...two brain surgeries in a month might just be pushing our limits. I ask that you especially pray for peace and strength for Jake. He is old enough now, and has seen enough because of Sam, to be very worried.


Contessa's Corner said...

What a great smile!!!
This little boy sure has shown me & the kids some courage,he is just amazing!!

our thoughts and prayers are with you!!Please keep us up ated on Jake to,and let us know if there is anything we can do
Hugs to you and John,and most of all thank you for keeping us all up to date!

The Little Reporters! said...

We will be thinking of you guys over the next few days! Call if you need anything.

Anita Matejka Photography said...

We will be praying for Jake ... for peace, for guidance for the doctors, and for you to be strengthened through all of this!

Katie said...

Oh, rats. We're wrapping all of you tightly in our prayers. Hugs.